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We advertise your vacancy in the usual traditional ways - via online job boards, social media etc but any agency can do that for you. In fact, if that's all you expect from an agency then you might as well do this yourselves and save on a fee!


What sets us apart from our competitors is the fact that our business is candidate driven. 


We select the best candidates and then work with them to find the role that best suits their skills and attributes.


The perfect Talent Match.


We Transform Job Seekers Into Applicants

What we say and how we say it can make all the difference.

68% of applicants use mobile devices to search from jobs once a week or more.


Because of that, we want them to be able to see your open positions without scrolling, pinching, and swiping.


We ensure your vacancies are optimised on a super functional jobs mobile site that will pull in any applicant.  




Job Questions

Asking the right questions will bring you the right applicants.

Every job is unique within your organisation and your job questions should be the same.


Within each posting, we are able to ask questions that are directly associated with the open position. The applicant responses make screening fast and efficient.


Auto Disqualify

Certain responses to your application questions are deal breakers.


If an applicant doesn’t meet the minimum qualification, they will not be selected for interview.

Our system skims this group off and puts them in a separate area, away from other more qualified applicants allowing you to see top talent in your applicant pool without clutter.



Because we allow you as many logins as you need, communication among HR and hiring managers is important.


We have three ways to rank your applicants within the system and to collaborate on ranking applicants. Our 5 star ranking is perhaps the easiest. Each person involved with the process, simply clicks on the number of stars they believe an applicant should receive based on application, resume, interview, etc. Our hiring software will take a mathematical calculation and give you an average overall ranking. It is easy to see and easy to use. The other two are customisable features that can be used based on your own internal criteria.


Work Value Tests

Resumes and interviews can only tell you so much about a candidate.


Wouldn’t it be nice to know what someone’s work ethic is, before they are offered the job? What about their integrity? It would be great to have some insight into this as well before they become an employee. Pre-employment assessment testing is an invaluable tool that allows you a glimpse into the values your applicant will bring with them. This is why we offer integrated testing to ensure we select the best candidates for you.


Video Interviews

So much time is spent…and wasted…conducting interviews with the wrong applicants.


Some candidates look great on paper but in person might not fit your company’s culture, or clearly don’t have the skills represented on paper. One study found that half of all job candidates lie on their resume. We make sure you skip the terrible interviews by introducing video interviewing as part of our selection process. Each candidate can answer the same set of questions through their smartphone or tablet so we can then whittle the applications down to a select few.

At this point you can also review, rewatch, and rate at your convenience.


This makes the difference between interviewing five or six candidates and just meeting the cream of the crop that truly fit the bill.


Skills Testing

We like to be able to see our applicants in action - to really see if the skills they claim to possess are legitimate skills of theirs.


Skills testing such as typing speed tests (both words per minute (wpm) and 10 key), Microsoft Office, managerial and leadership skills, work place skills such as analysing, attention to detail, language, grammar and math skills are all options for a deeper level of screening applicants.




Make the best hires. The first time.

Collaborate, assess, track, and stay compliant all in one place.


Take a minute to think of the star employee within a department. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a tool that would allow you to identify a candidate that is similar in motivation, strengths, behaviour and cognitive abilities?


The more info you share with us we use our job fit assessment tool, establish a benchmark of top performers and then compare applicants to that benchmark. It doesn’t remove all the risk of that new hire but it definitely helps!


Background check-backs

Run compliant background checks, efficiently.


Criminal Background Checks

Does your next hire have a questionable past? Could you be putting yourself and your organisation at risk? By using background checks, you stand the best chance of finding a record (if one exists) because we use the instant criminal database search and the criminal records search.


The process couldn’t be easier for you. With a few clicks, the check is initiated and the results are returned for you to view.



As part of our background checks, we do employment verification, education verification and professional license verification.


Unfortunately this is an area where applicants tend to embellish or mislead. We want you to feel confident that your next hire has worked where they say they did and completed the level of education that they say they did. This information is verified and then returned back to you for easy access and review.





Online New Hire Paperwork

Forms for your new hires in a compliant, secure portal with no hassle.

We have teamed up with an integrated onboarding partner to simplify your new hire paperwork. Instead of handing your new hire a stack of papers to complete, get them online.


Cut back on errors and simplify the way they fill out their information. Allow them to review important company information as well, and electronically sign their documents.


There are so many cool features here, contact us today to explore this option.



Once the process is over and you have your ideal candidate in place how do we use the data gathered to help us work with you for future recruitment drives?


We can show details such as clicks, bounce rate, web browser and other information that will give you a benchmark. Knowing this information will give you the confidence to set goals, adjust postings, and even to discuss the results with your Managerial Team.


Also important to consider why candidates are they starting the process and not finishing? And beyond that, what is it that makes them turn and run? We wondered the same things. So, we created a report to help you solve the mystery and to help you identify areas for improvement within your hiring process. We can generate this report to see how many people started an application for your opening vs. those that completed the application. See where they abandoned and automate an email inviting them to return and finish their application.


Solving this problem can boost your overall applicant flow going forward.


Keep your applicants happy. Communicate!


75% of job seekers that applied for a job last year didn’t ever hear back from the employer or agency.


We work on the basis that every candidate that applies for a role in your company should be treated with respect to ensure we represent you professionally and do a good PR job!


Job Alerts

Having a passive applicant pool is like an untapped gold mine. Any visitors to your career site can sign up to receive alerts for future similar job openings. In many cases this will allow you to fill your open positions more quickly and with a more qualified applicant pool that is looking for the right opportunity. This process is completely automated through the applicant tracking software and so you don’t even need to think about it.


Rejection Letters

Communication with applicants is hugely important to your brand and your ability to have positive future recruiting experiences…even if it isn’t completely positive. Rejection letters provide closure for your applicants and can encourage them to apply again. We provide a professional, customisable template that can be emailed out to those not selected directly within the applicant tracking system.


From start to finish, win or lose in the recruitment process - we believe every single interaction we have with candidates should be positive and efficient. We hope you do too.


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